Growth Opportunities for Adults at the Red Door Church

Following Jesus is a journey and part of our mission here at Christ Church. We grow, we change, and our faith grows and changes too. Adult formation at Christ Church focuses on helping you take your next steps in the life of faith. We have oppurtunites that cover basics of the Christian faith or study the Bible together, that challenge you to grow spiritually and practice your faith in new ways. We believe the Holy Spirit is continually shaping us into the people God calls us to be.


New to the Christian Faith? Have questions or doubts you want to ask about Christianity in a safe environment and group? Or just want to revisit christianity with a group? Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation.

Currently we are doing Alpha once a month after Church with a potluck lunch.  Our next one is: May 29, 2022 @ 11:15 am.

For more information about ALPHA click here.


Join us Sundays @ 9am as we dig deep into issues of faith and life. Previous topics have been on the Gospel of Luke and Basic Christianity. Contact our Pastor here for more info.


Current Bible Study Groups:

  • Bible Study – Join Fr. Pedro Wednesdays at 10 am for bible study at the Red Door Church. Everyone is welcome you can invite a friend, family member, or neighbor. 
  • Adult Formation Hour & Lunch– May 29 @ 11:15 am
  •  Women of Joy– Every Thursday @10 am. Please contact Susanne for more information on this bible study location at
  • Estudio Biblico – Lunes a las 6 pm. Favor de hablar al 262.235.2625