What time is the Sunday Service?

Every Sunday @ 10 am.

Where is Christ Church located and what do I do when I get there?

We are located in historical downtown Delavan, in the corner of Walworth Ave. and 5th Street. Once you get here, you can park in our main parking lot or you can park in the parking spaces along the road in the streets of 5th street and Walworth avenue.

We have entrances in the back, on the two sides and in the front through the big red doors. Either door works and once you come in please take a bulletin and feel free to sit down anywhere.

What is worship like?

So what’s Sunday morning like at the Red Doors? We are “liturgical” in our worship, that means we all participate in our Sunday Worship. We gather together, we hear the Word of God, we give thanksgiving through the Holy Eucharist and then we are sent as disciples of Jesus out into the world.

What about my Children?

Children and infants are always welcome to stay for the entire service (we don’t mind babies behaving like babies). There is a children’s corner in the front with toys and colors available. A parents room is also available for parents with newborn, infants, & toddlers which can be found to the left of the worship space.

Who can take Communion?

All baptized Christians are welcomed to receive Holy Communion, including children. If that doesn’t describe where you’re at, you’re welcome to still go forward for a prayer or also remain in your seat and be in the presence of Jesus.

What do I wear?

Christ Church is a pretty relaxed place – there is no dress code.  You’ll see jeans, khakis, button downs, polo shirts, & even T-shirts. Don’t stress about what to wear.

After the worship service

Make sure to stay after the service to say hi and for Coffee, Pan Dulce (Mexican pastry’s) and conversation. All are welcomed; it is a great opportunity to get to know others at Christ Church and asking any follow up questions.